4 UI Tips to Make Your Site Attention-Grabbing

Do you know the elements that entice your audience to stick to your competitor’s website? Are you looking for tips to grab your prospect’s attention the moment they land on your web page? We have got you covered!

Graphic Design Services

Going live with a website, running paid ads on Google, but not improving the user interface is like spending money without considering the end result. You don’t want to lose the quality leads landing on your web page through Google ad campaigns. 

Make the most out of your money by valuing your target audience. And this can only happen if your site’s user interface is up to the mark. Wondering how you can take care of this part when you don’t know much about design? 

Problem solved!

Apart from providing the best Graphic design services in Dubai, we truly believe in educating our clients and followers about every important aspect to uplift their journey in this digital landscape. Therefore, we have jotted down a few tips to broaden your horizon about UI. 

So, without further ado, let’s dive into it

Blend Creativity With Simplicity

Sometimes, when we try to go out of the box, we completely forget giving importance to the basics. Never let that happen. The best practice is envisioning your creativity with a subtle touch of simplicity. You want your visitors to have a good time on your site and easily spot the conversion points without looking here and there. 

You can only do that if you keep things simple and easy. Some common design elements include shopping cart icons, bells for notifications, and the hamburger menu. Making things convenient for the end user will always be effective in multiplying conversions.

Best Ui tips for Designers

Actionable Layout

The layout of your website plays a very crucial role in deciding whether a user is going to stay or leave. Sadly, even a minor mistake causes distraction and your prospect exits without giving it a second thought. It is where our graphic design services in Dubai can make things work for you. Our UI/UX services have been entertaining a diverse range of clients for many years. 

While working on the layout, make sure that you are successful in drawing attention to the most key areas of the page. A great way to do this is through visual hierarchy, as it helps in putting the most important parts first.

PPC Landing Pages

Go Easy On Forms

We see a lot of websites using forms excessively to capture details. It is good to have conversion points on a site but using them aggressively can turn out to be a bad practice. Visitors often get distracted when they are busy reading something and a form suddenly pops up out of nowhere. 

If you have been doing that lately, please avoid it from now.Hope these ui tips helps you in future 

easy form design with rankiz
Picture of Hassaan Naeem

Hassaan Naeem

Hassaan Naeem is the lead content writer at Rankiz since May 2021. His passion for helping people through his words.

Final Thoughts:

See, it is not that difficult. These are just simple tips, and if executed properly, can make a significant impact. In case you find yourself in trouble while applying them, our graphic design services are there to serve you the best. 

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